Industrial hemp can be used in over 25,000 products with advanced processing technology.

It is 100% biodegradable, recyclable, and reusable, with every part of the plant being utilized.

Industrial hemp can be grown in various climates and soil conditions and grows at a rate much faster than other crops, which maximizes land use.

Hemp fibers are extremely strong, durable, and antibacterial, reducing the need for pesticides and herbicides.


Industrial hemp can absorb CO2 twice as effectively as forests, making it a significant contributor to carbon sequestration and helping to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases.

Cultivation of industrial hemp significantly reduces water consumption compared to conventional crops – and thanks to its natural resistance, hemp does not require harmful pesticides.

Industrial hemp also has regenerative properties: It not only absorbs CO2 but naturally puts it back into the soil, regenerating it by adding nutrients and helping nature heal again. In the process, hemp prevents soil erosion and improves soil health through its deep root system.